Snídaně v kožešině
Breakfast in Fur
Méret Oppenheimová (narozena 1913 v Berlíně a zemřela v Basileji 1985 léta páně) byla surrealistickou, švýcarskou malířkou, tvůrkyní ready-madeů,sochařkou a fotografkou, která se velmi hojně stýkala s Manem Rayem a stávala mu modelem. Patrně byla jeho milenkou, stejně tak jako Maxe Ernsta, leč, na radu své babičky, se nikdy nevdala. Její Snídaně v kožešině byla oficiálně zvolena symbolem surrealismu.
Méret Oppenheim (born in 1913 A.D. in Berlin and died in 1985 A.D. in Basle) was a surrealistic, Swiss paintress, creatress of ready-mades, sculptress and photographer, who was big friend with Man Ray and she posed as a model for him. Evidently she was a lover of Man Ray and Max Ernst but she took the advise of her grandmother and she has never married with anyone. Her Breakfast in Fur was officialy elected symbol of surrealism.
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