The Vases
Amédée Ozenfant se narodil roku 1886 v Saint-Quentinu a zemřel roku 1966 v Cannes. Byl francouzským malířem a spisovatelem a spoluzakladatelem purismu. S Guillaumem Apollinairem a Maxem Jacobem psali časopis l'Elan, s le Corbusierem, s nímž jsou považováni za nejvýznamnější puristy, později vydávali l'Esprit nouveau. Byl tedy puristou a kubistou. Umění také vyučoval.
Amédée Ozenfant was born in 1886 in Saint-Quentin and died in 1966 in Cannes. He was a French painter and writer and he was a co-founder of Purism. He, Guillaume Apollinaire and Max Jacob wrote a magazine called l'Elan. Later he and le Corbusier (both of them are considered to be the most notable Purists) they started to write a magazine l'Esprit nouveau. He was a Purist and Cubist and he also taught art.
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